ESP8266とalexaで家電を制御する fauxmoESP編 〜TVを音声コントロール〜

前回までの記事で、ESP8266で家電を制御する為にESP8266をarduinoで利用できる手順やIRremotoという赤外線ライブラリの使い方、さらにalexaでESP8266を認識して制御できるようにするWemoEmulatorライブラリを紹介しましたが、2019年7月の段階で第三世代alexaではESP8266 WemoEmulatorを認識はしますが、サーバーエラーとなり家電を音声制御する事ができませんでした。



2020年1月1日 FaumoESPを使ったプログラムでalexa側でデバイスが3つ以上になると検索できなくなる現象がありますが、書き込み時にある事をすると解消されます。詳細はこちらで書いてます。





激安ESP8266(alexa経由で)で家電を音声操作してみる ~赤外線解析編~

激安ESP8266を用いてアレクサ経由で家電コントロール(第2世代のalexaまで可能) 〜プログラム編その①〜




































  1. #include <Arduino.h>
  2. #ifdef ESP32
  3.     #include <WiFi.h>
  4. #else
  5.     #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
  6. #endif
  7. #include “fauxmoESP.h”
  8. // Rename the credentials.sample.h file to credentials.h and
  9. // edit it according to your router configuration
  10. #include “credentials.h”
  11. fauxmoESP fauxmo;
  12. // —————————————————————————–
  13. //このへんまでは触る必要なし
  14. #define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200
  15. //#define でESP8266のポート番号に名前を規定しています。
  16. #define LED_YELLOW 4 //たとえばここでは4番ポートの名前はLED_YELLOWです
  17. #define LED_GREEN 5
  18. #define LED_BLUE 0
  19. #define LED_PINK 2
  20. #define LED_WHITE 15
  21. //この下の設定でalexaに表示される名前を規定しまいます。alexa”yellow lamp”をつけてとかいう使い方
  22. #define ID_YELLOW “yellow lamp”
  23. #define ID_GREEN “green lamp”
  24. #define ID_BLUE “blue lamp”
  25. #define ID_PINK “pink lamp”
  26. #define ID_WHITE “white lamp”
  27. // —————————————————————————–
  28. // —————————————————————————–
  29. // Wifi  ここからwifiの設定 まったくいじる必要なし
  30. // —————————————————————————–
  31. void wifiSetup() {
  32.     // Set WIFI module to STA mode
  33.     WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
  34.     // Connect
  35.     Serial.printf(“[WIFI] Connecting to %s “, WIFI_SSID);
  36.     WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS);
  37.     // Wait
  38.     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  39.         Serial.print(“.”);
  40.         delay(100);
  41.     }
  42.     Serial.println();
  43.     // Connected!
  44.     Serial.printf(“[WIFI] STATION Mode, SSID: %s, IP address: %s\n”, WiFi.SSID().c_str(), WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
  45. }
  46. void setup() {
  47.     // Init serial port and clean garbage
  48.     Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUDRATE);
  49.     Serial.println();
  50.     Serial.println();
  51.     // LEDs ここでESP8266のピンの設定です。全てoutput に設定、要は出力です。
  52.     pinMode(LED_YELLOW, OUTPUT);
  53.     pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT);
  54.     pinMode(LED_BLUE, OUTPUT);
  55.     pinMode(LED_PINK, OUTPUT);
  56.     pinMode(LED_WHITE, OUTPUT);
  57.     digitalWrite(LED_YELLOW, LOW);
  58.     digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW);
  59.     digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
  60.     digitalWrite(LED_PINK, LOW);
  61.     digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, LOW);
  62.     // Wifi wifiをつなぎます このへんも特に触る必要なし
  63.     wifiSetup();
  64.     // By default, fauxmoESP creates it’s own webserver on the defined port
  65.     // The TCP port must be 80 for gen3 devices (default is 1901)
  66.     // This has to be done before the call to enable()
  67.     fauxmo.createServer(true); // not needed, this is the default value
  68.     fauxmo.setPort(80); // This is required for gen3 devices
  69.     // You have to call enable(true) once you have a WiFi connection
  70.     // You can enable or disable the library at any moment
  71.     // Disabling it will prevent the devices from being discovered and switched
  72.     fauxmo.enable(true);
  73.     // You can use different ways to invoke alexa to modify the devices state:
  74.     // “Alexa, turn yellow lamp on”
  75.     // “Alexa, turn on yellow lamp
  76.     // “Alexa, set yellow lamp to fifty” (50 means 50% of brightness, note, this example does not use this functionality)
  77.     // Add virtual devices alexa側での仮想デバイスを設定しています。
  78.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_YELLOW);
  79.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_GREEN);
  80.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_BLUE);
  81.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_PINK);
  82.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_WHITE);
  83. //ここからが音声制御したときのESP8266の動作を決める部分です。
  84.     fauxmo.onSetState([](unsigned char device_id, const char * device_name, bool state, unsigned char value) {
  86.         // Callback when a command from Alexa is received.
  87.         // You can use device_id or device_name to choose the element to perform an action onto (relay, LED,…)
  88.         // State is a boolean (ON/OFF) and value a number from 0 to 255 (if you say “set kitchen light to 50%” you will receive a 128 here).
  89.         // Just remember not to delay too much here, this is a callback, exit as soon as possible.
  90.         // If you have to do something more involved here set a flag and process it in your main loop.
  92.         Serial.printf(“[MAIN] Device #%d (%s) state: %s value: %d\n”, device_id, device_name, state ? “ON” : “OFF”, value);
  93.         // Checking for device_id is simpler if you are certain about the order they are loaded and it does not change.
  94.         // Otherwise comparing the device_name is safer.
  95. //ここから下を変更すれば様々な制御が可能です。
  96. //下のプログラムはdevice_nameがID_YELLOWと同じならLED_YELLOWをHIGHにそうでなければLOWにという設定です。
  97. //少し複雑かもしれませんがよく確認すれば簡単です。
  98.         if (strcmp(device_name, ID_YELLOW)==0) {
  99.             digitalWrite(LED_YELLOW, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  100.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_GREEN)==0) {
  101.             digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  102.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_BLUE)==0) {
  103.             digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  104.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_PINK)==0) {
  105.             digitalWrite(LED_PINK, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  106.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_WHITE)==0) {
  107.             digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  108.         }
  109.     });
  110. }
  111. void loop() {
  112.     // fauxmoESP uses an async TCP server but a sync UDP server
  113.     // Therefore, we have to manually poll for UDP packets
  114.     fauxmo.handle();
  115.     // This is a sample code to output free heap every 5 seconds
  116.     // This is a cheap way to detect memory leaks
  117.     static unsigned long last = millis();
  118.     if (millis() – last > 5000) {
  119.         last = millis();
  120.         Serial.printf(“[MAIN] Free heap: %d bytes\n”, ESP.getFreeHeap());
  121.     }
  122.     // If your device state is changed by any other means (MQTT, physical button,…)
  123.     // you can instruct the library to report the new state to Alexa on next request:
  124.     // fauxmo.setState(ID_YELLOW, true, 255);
  125. }







  1. #include <Arduino.h>
  2. #ifdef ESP32
  3.     #include <WiFi.h>
  4. #else
  5.     #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
  6. #endif
  7. #include “fauxmoESP.h”
  8. // Rename the credentials.sample.h file to credentials.h and
  9. // edit it according to your router configuration
  10. #include “kazunet.h”
  11. //IRremoteESP8266で赤外線信号の送信設定
  12. #include <Arduino.h>
  13. #include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
  14. #include <IRsend.h>
  15. //4番ピンを赤外線送信pinに設定 ESP8266ではD2になる
  16. const uint16_t kIrLed = 4; // ESP8266 GPIO pin to use. Recommended: 4 (D2).
  17. IRsend irsend(kIrLed); // Set the GPIO to be used to sending the message.
  18. fauxmoESP fauxmo;
  19. // —————————————————————————–
  20. #define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200
  21. #define ID_tv “tv”
  22. #define ID_chA “chA”
  23. #define ID_chB “chB”
  24. #define ID_chC “chC”
  25. #define ID_chD “chD”
  26. #define ID_sound “sound”
  27. #define ID_chchange “chchange”
  28. // —————————————————————————–
  29. // —————————————————————————–
  30. // Wifi
  31. // —————————————————————————–
  32. void wifiSetup() {
  33.     // Set WIFI module to STA mode
  34.     WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
  35.     // Connect
  36.     Serial.printf(“[WIFI] Connecting to %s “, WIFI_SSID);
  37.     WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS);
  38.     // Wait
  39.     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  40.         Serial.print(“.”);
  41.         delay(100);
  42.     }
  43.     Serial.println();
  44.     // Connected!
  45.     Serial.printf(“[WIFI] STATION Mode, SSID: %s, IP address: %s\n”, WiFi.SSID().c_str(), WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
  46. }
  47. void setup() {
  48.     // Init serial port and clean garbage
  49.     Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUDRATE);
  50.     Serial.println();
  51.     Serial.println();
  53.     //赤外線リモートのライブラリをスタート
  54.     irsend.begin();
  56.     // Wifi
  57.     wifiSetup();
  60.     // By default, fauxmoESP creates it’s own webserver on the defined port
  61.     // The TCP port must be 80 for gen3 devices (default is 1901)
  62.     // This has to be done before the call to enable()
  63.     fauxmo.createServer(true); // not needed, this is the default value
  64.     fauxmo.setPort(80); // This is required for gen3 devices
  65.     // You have to call enable(true) once you have a WiFi connection
  66.     // You can enable or disable the library at any moment
  67.     // Disabling it will prevent the devices from being discovered and switched
  68.     fauxmo.enable(true);
  69.     // You can use different ways to invoke alexa to modify the devices state:
  70.     // “Alexa, turn yellow lamp on”
  71.     // “Alexa, turn on yellow lamp
  72.     // “Alexa, set yellow lamp to fifty” (50 means 50% of brightness, note, this example does not use this functionality)
  73.     // Add virtual devices
  74.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_tv);
  75.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_chA);
  76.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_chB);
  77.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_chC);
  78.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_chD);
  79.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_sound);
  80.     fauxmo.addDevice(ID_chchange);
  82.     fauxmo.onSetState([](unsigned char device_id, const char * device_name, bool state, unsigned char value) {
  84.         // Callback when a command from Alexa is received.
  85.         // You can use device_id or device_name to choose the element to perform an action onto (relay, LED,…)
  86.         // State is a boolean (ON/OFF) and value a number from 0 to 255 (if you say “set kitchen light to 50%” you will receive a 128 here).
  87.         // Just remember not to delay too much here, this is a callback, exit as soon as possible.
  88.         // If you have to do something more involved here set a flag and process it in your main loop.
  90.         Serial.printf(“[MAIN] Device #%d (%s) state: %s value: %d\n”, device_id, device_name, state ? “ON” : “OFF”, value);
  91.         // Checking for device_id is simpler if you are certain about the order they are loaded and it does not change.
  92.         // Otherwise comparing the device_name is safer.
  94.             //digitalWrite(LED_YELLOW, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  95.             if (strcmp(device_name, ID_tv)==0) {
  96.             //digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  97.             if(state==true){
  98.               //tvOn
  99.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD48B7,32);
  100.               }else{
  101.               //tvOff
  102.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD48B7,32);
  103.                 }
  107.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_chA)==0) {
  108.             //digitalWrite(LED_PINK, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  109.             if(state==true){
  110.               //ch1
  111.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD807F,32);
  112.               }else{
  113.               //ch2
  114.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD40BF,32);
  115.                 }
  117.         } else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_chB)==0) {
  118.             //digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  119.             if(state==true){
  120.               //ch3
  121.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD20DF,32);
  122.               }else{
  123.               //ch4
  124.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FDA05F,32);
  125.                 }
  127.         }else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_chC)==0) {
  128.             //digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  129.             if(state==true){
  130.               //ch5
  131.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD609F,32);
  132.               }else{
  133.               //ch6
  134.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD10EF,32);
  135.                 }
  137.         }else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_chD)==0) {
  138.             //digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  139.             if(state==true){
  140.               //ch7
  141.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FDD02F,32);
  142.               }else{
  143.               //ch8
  144.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FDD02F,32);
  145.               }
  147.         }else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_sound)==0) {
  148.             //digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  149.             if(state==true){
  150.               //sounUp
  151.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD58A7,32);
  152.               }else{
  153.               //soundDown
  154.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FD7887,32);
  155.                 }
  157.         }else if (strcmp(device_name, ID_chchange)==0) {
  158.             //digitalWrite(LED_WHITE, state ? HIGH : LOW);
  159.             if(state==true){
  160.               //chUP
  161.               //↓で赤外線出力
  162.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FDD827,32);
  163.               }else{
  164.               //chDown
  165.               irsend.sendNEC(0x002FDF807,32);
  166.                 }
  168.         }
  169.     });
  170. }
  171. void loop() {
  172.     // fauxmoESP uses an async TCP server but a sync UDP server
  173.     // Therefore, we have to manually poll for UDP packets
  174.     fauxmo.handle();
  177.     // This is a sample code to output free heap every 5 seconds
  178.     // This is a cheap way to detect memory leaks
  179.     static unsigned long last = millis();
  180.     if (millis() – last > 5000) {
  181.         last = millis();
  182.         Serial.printf(“[MAIN] Free heap: %d bytes\n”, ESP.getFreeHeap());
  183.     }
  184.     // If your device state is changed by any other means (MQTT, physical button,…)
  185.     // you can instruct the library to report the new state to Alexa on next request:
  186.     // fauxmo.setState(ID_YELLOW, true, 255);
  187. }






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